Friday 21 September 2012

Peter's Pan

I am a Peter Pan in Peter’s Pan. I am a Peter Pan in Peter’s Pan. I am a Peter Pan in Peter’s Pan.
That’s supposed to be a tongue twister (it CAN be a thing you know). Yeah, I know I am bad at making tongue twisters. But there is a greater meaning behind that not-so-impressive-and-it-can-totally-be-a-thing tongue twister. The last time I ate so many fattening and awesomely sweet delicacies without my brain showing me glimpses of a big neon sign that says “Heart Attack”, “Diabetes” was probably when I was a little kid. You have to be a never aging human with a hyperactive kid’s metabolism to be there all the time and the outlet does give you many reasons to be there. Though there some demerits too, but let’s focus first on watering your mouth my dear reader, shall we?
The outlet I went to is on the Fergusson College road, when you are on the road just keep looking at the right hand side, you’ll not miss this sign in any case. Looks so much like the entrance to Neverland to me.

Okay, back to activating you salivary glands. I went to peter’s Pan with a couple of friends. We decided to order a slice of the Fiama Pizza, a plate of Penne Arabiata Pasta, a Veg Burger, a Choco-chip Pancake, a plate of Cheesy Garlic Toast and chocolate milk shakes.
The slice of the pizza will be disappointing for the people who are hooked to Domino’s but people who like the original Tuscany version will find it authentic enough. It’s a thin crust with little bits of onion, garlic and chilli flakes. Either way it is slightly on the wrong side of forty, price wise. The veg Burger …………not so good………not good actually. The bun looked as if it was salvaged from the pre-world war era. Falling off in all places possible. The patty wasn’t satisfying enough for the price asked. I have forever said this and I continue to say it. “If the food is satisfying enough, no price is too high”. They haven’t yet included this in Oxford book of quotations. I wonder why?.......... Coming back to food the pasta was acceptable. But I can make better. Yeah I can. Believe me. Please do. The cheesy garlic toast was good. But Peter’s Pan, I believe specialises in a whole lot other type. The sweet stuff.
As soon as you get one of those bad boys you go “ Awwwwwwwwwwww Yeeeeeeeeeeeah”. The Choco Chip Pancake was seriously speaking one of the better things I have tasted here in this city. Everything about it was amazing. Chocolate sauce dripping from the sides and those choco chips….... makes it worth everything. In the end you can’t have enough of it.
Peter’s Pan, overall is a cool hangout place to go to. I recommend the waffles, the pancakes, anyt-frickin-thing that is sweet. The only demerit is the price. If you have a lot of it, you should be there all the time, and I also would recommend a health insurance before doing that.
Bottom-line: Deliciously delicious but a tad bit overpriced.
Taste: 3.75/5 (because of the sweet stuff)
Paisa Vasool: 2/5

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Café Good Luck

Me: Where should we eat tonight?
Friend: I dunno
Me: Are you gonna go and eat dinner or are you gonna lie here all night with your laptop as your girlfriend?
Friend: I vote for lying with my girlfriend.
Me: You are sick. I am going out.
Friend: Good Luck!
Me: Yeah and good luck making out with your laptop.
Friend: No, Good Luck.
Me: Dude did you just started speaking in Swahili? Coz I don’t get you, not that I get you any other time.
Friend: No, we should go to Good Luck Café.
Me: Ohhhh…………………..

…………………………………………and that’s how I got to know about Good Luck Café or Café Good Luck.

It’s located on Good Luck chowk, scary name for a road with all that traffic. It got named after the café itself you think?, since it’s there since 1935? Sorry mate you are wrong. The intersection is name Gokhale Chowk but say that to any pune-ite or more importantly an auto rickshaw driver and he’ll say- “Eh?” It’s got rich history. It started out as a 100 sq. ft. shop and reached to its size by acquiring all the adjacent shops. Gives a whole another meaning to the phrase “Eating your competition” doesn’t it?
Today, it’s a popular “adda” for college students from Symbiosis, BMCC and Fergusson College. It has got a cult status among students and it’s been maintaining that since a long time now. You enter the place and you get this 70’s café vibe which is awesome by the way.
Coming down to business, what’s good? Lot of things. The bun maska is a legend and has been maintained. Best thing would be to go there and order Bun Maska and Chai. You can’t get that wrong in any frickin scenario. You can smoke too, in one of the sections of the café. Ultimate hangout requirements - met……….according to one my friends, Handa.

 The café serves more than just the snacks and tea. It has got this section for “Proper Food”. Menu is versatile, clearly says that the place specialises in Non-veg stuff. Anything which has “Chicken” prefixed to it is worth walking down from any of the nearby colleges. Serves good “Brains” too, no not the ones zombies eat, the “bheja fry” and stuff. The place has more than decent vegetarian stuff too. The Veg Mix was better than any I have tasted so far in the city and the Rumali roti will make you feel like you got more than you paid for, a feeling the college students hunt for everywhere but don’t find anywhere……..sadly……. ,if you are a college student you’ll know what I am talking about. South Indian is avoidable.

DESERTS: This, my friends is my favourite part of the meal. If the “sweet tooth” actually was a tooth, mine would have decayed long ago, from all the sugar intake. I ate two items off the menu. First was the Caramel Pudding, which was typical in every aspect but didn’t quite hit the “sweet spot”. The second was the chocolate soufflé. It wasn’t actually a soufflé, more like a typical American chocolate pudding. But it was………to say in one word……. Abso-flippin-lutely mindblowing. That wasn’t one word, was it? You can’t sum it up in one word anyway. It costs 50 bucks, steep price when you look at the quantity, not so much when you finish eating it.
Bottom-line:  If you live in Pune and you haven’t been here…………then go!!! :D
Taste: 4/5
Paisa Vasool: 3.75/5 

Thursday 2 August 2012


The first reason why anybody would go to Faaso’s would be because it is very accessible, especially from the nearby colleges and PG accommodations. But the problem is that a lot of reasons are fighting over the top rank of “why one should NOT go there”. This particular outlet is located in Model Colony, near SICSR. I went over there after watching “The Dark Knight Rises” and needless to say I was in high spirits, and it was more than dampened with what Faaso’s had to offer. The outlet is a small one , which by the way is not a problem. The smaller outlets are the cosier ones too. There is no seating arrangement unless you count the platform made around the tree which I am pretty sure is NOT countable.
Okay, so I go there and look at the menu and the absolutely misleading photographs, my mouth starts to water and my expectations begins to rise. I scan the menu and find something that interests me. A Paneer Tikka roll would definitely settle the rumble of my stomach, I think and at 70 bucks a piece, it damn well should. I place the order and I wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. And after 15 excruciatingly long minutes my order is served. For God’s sakes don’t have close ups of tasty looking food stuff everywhere if you are gonna take that long to serve. People get hungry. People get angry.
I go and take my roll off the counter. The first thing that catches your attention is the amount of oil dripping from the roll. There was enough for the devil to deep fry 20 souls. I am not the health conscious type, so a little oil doesn’t make much difference to me. But this, my friend could have been called anything but little amount of oil. Moving on, I bite on to the roll, expecting a taste and filling worth 70 bucks. It doesn’t match up to the expectations. The paneer is all right and the filling is good but the quantity and the cover of the roll is not worth the money. Also it is a little soggy. A good roll that could have been better with better covers. Verdict being “Eatable but avoidable”.
Bottom-line: Eatable but Avoidable
Alternatives: Rolls Mania(I heard it got revamped)

Taste: 3/5
 Paisa vasool: 2/5